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PHP Cross Reference of Web Application Component Toolkit




/framework/template/tags/dev/ -> dataspace.tag.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   3  // Copyright 2003 Procata, Inc.
   4  // Released under the LGPL license (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html)
   5  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   6  /**
   7  * @package WACT_TAG
   8  * @version $Id: dataspace.tag.php,v 1.4 2004/11/18 04:22:48 jeffmoore Exp $
   9  */
  11  /**
  12  * Register the tag
  13  */
  14  $taginfo =& new TagInfo('dev:DATASPACE', 'DevDataSpaceTag');
  15  $taginfo->setEndTag(ENDTAG_FORBIDDEN);
  16  TagDictionary::registerTag($taginfo, __FILE__);
  18  /**
  19  * Dumps a runtime dataspace for display using print_r or var_dump
  20  * @see http://wact.sourceforge.net/index.php/DevDataSpaceTag
  21  * @access protected
  22  * @package WACT_TAG
  23  */
  24  class DevDataSpaceTag extends CompilerDirectiveTag {
  25      /**
  26      * @param CodeWriter
  27      * @return void
  28      * @access protected
  29      */
  30  	function generateContents(&$code) {
  31          parent::preGenerate($code);
  32          if ( NULL !== ( $context = $this->getAttribute('context') ) ) {
  33              $contexts = array('root','parent','current');
  34              if ( !in_array($context,$contexts) ) {
  35                  $context = 'current';
  36              }
  37          } else {
  38              $context = 'current';
  39          }
  40          if ( NULL !== ( $output = $this->getAttribute('output') ) ) {
  41              $outputs = array('print_r','var_dump');
  42              if ( !in_array($output,$outputs) ) {
  43                  $output = 'print_r';
  44              }
  45          } else {
  46              $output = 'print_r';
  47          }
  48          $code->writeHTML('<div aligh="left"><hr /><h3>Begin '.ucfirst($context).' DataSpace</h3><hr /></div>');
  49          switch ( $context ) {
  50              case 'root':
  51                  $Context =& $this->getRootDataSource();
  52                  break;
  53              case 'parent':
  54                  $Context =& $this->getParentDataSource();
  55              break;
  56              default:
  57                  $Context =& $this->getDataSource();
  58              break;
  59          }
  60          $code->writeHTML('<pre>');
  61          $code->writePHP('if ( is_object('.$Context->getDataSourceRefCode().
  62              ') && method_exists ('.$Context->getDataSourceRefCode().',"export") ) {');
  63          $code->writePHP($output.'('.$Context->getDataSourceRefCode().'->export());');
  64          $code->writePHP('} else {');
  65          $code->writeHTML('Dataspace unavailable');
  66          $code->writePHP('}');
  67          $code->writeHTML('</pre>');
  68          $code->writeHTML('<div aligh="left"><hr /><h3>End '.ucfirst($context).' DataSpace</h3><hr /></div>');
  69      }
  71  }
  72  ?>

Generated: Sun Nov 28 19:36:09 2004 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.5