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/framework/template/components/data/ -> data_table.inc.php (summary)

(no description)

Version: $Id: data_table.inc.php,v 1.20 2004/11/12 21:25:07 jeffmoore Exp $
File Size: 562 lines (17 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 3 classes

datatablecomponent:: (14 methods):

datacolumncomponent:: (19 methods):

datagroupcomponent:: (5 methods):

Class: datatablecomponent  - X-Ref

run-time component for the Data:Table tag

prepare()   X-Ref
Prepares the list for iteration, creating an EmptyDataSet if no
data set has been registered then calling the dataset reset

access: protected
return: void

gensafecolid($column)   X-Ref
store the id of the tag and name of a column, transformed to be identifier safe

access: private

setrowattrib($attribs)   X-Ref
set the row attributes for this table

access: public
param: string the row attributes
return: void

registerrowcssclassfilter(&$filter)   X-Ref
register a column component with the table

access: public
param: object    the row class filter
return: void

renderrow(&$DataSource)   X-Ref
renders a table row

access: protected
param: DataSource the template data space
return: void

opentablerow(&$DataSource)   X-Ref
opens a table row

access: public
param: DataSource the template data source
return: void

registercolumn($column, &$columnComponent)   X-Ref
register a column component with the table

access: protected
param: string              column name identifier
param: DataColumnComponent
return: void

registergroup(&$groupComponent)   X-Ref
register a group component with the table

access: protected
param: DataGroupComponent
return: void

addcolumn($column)   X-Ref
will register a column component with the table if none exists

access: protected
param: string              column name identifier
param: DataColumnComponent
return: void

getcolumnkeys()   X-Ref
return the list of keys for generation of columns

access: protected
return: array

genheaders(&$TabDataSource, &$TplDataSource)   X-Ref
generate table headings

access: protected
return: void

gencolfooters(&$TabDataSource, &$TplDataSource)   X-Ref
generate table footers

access: protected
return: void

colcount()   X-Ref
return the nubmer of visible columns

access: public
return: integer

getcolumnbyname($column)   X-Ref
return a column object by name

access: public
param: string the column id
return: DataColumnComponent

Class: datacolumncomponent  - X-Ref

run-time component for the Data:Column tag

setheaderattrib($attribs)   X-Ref
set header attributes

access: public
param: string

setattrib($attribs)   X-Ref
set column cell attributes

access: public
param: string  the cell attributes
return: void

registercssclassfilter(&$filter)   X-Ref
register a column component with the table

access: protected
param: string              column name identifier
param: DataColumnComponent
return: void

registergroup(&$group)   X-Ref
register this columns group object
callback to the object to increment column count if this column is visible

access: protected
param: DataColumnComponent
return: void

show()   X-Ref
enable visibility for this column

access: public
return: void

hide()   X-Ref
disable visibility for this column

access: public
return: void

isvisible()   X-Ref
is visibility for enabled this column

access: public
return: void

outputth()   X-Ref
output as a th cell

access: public
return: void

outputtd()   X-Ref
output as a td cell

access: public
return: void

setlabel($label)   X-Ref
set column heading

access: public
param: string  heading
return: void

setrenderfunct($funct)   X-Ref
set render function for this column

access: public
return: void

addfooterfunct($funct)   X-Ref
add a footer render function for this column

access: public
return: void

clearfooters()   X-Ref
remove all footer render functions for this column

access: public
return: void

getfootercount()   X-Ref
add a footer render function for this column

access: public
return: void

renderfooter($count, &$TabDataSource, &$TplDataSource)   X-Ref
render a footer cell

access: protected
param: integer count the number of the footer to render
param: DataSource the table data space
param: DataSource the template data space
return: void

opentablerow(&$DataSource)   X-Ref
opens a table row

access: public
param: DataSource the template data space
return: void

render(&$TabDataSource, &$TplDataSource, $value)   X-Ref
render the cell

access: protected
param: DataSource the template data space
param: string    the value
return: void

setheaderfunct($funct)   X-Ref
set custom header function for this column

access: public
return: void

header(&$TabDataSource, &$TplDataSource, $key, $grpHead=false, $firstPass=true)   X-Ref
render the header for this column

access: protected
param: DataSource the table data space
param: DataSource the template data space
param: string    the column id
param: boolean   does this table require group headings
return: void

Class: datagroupcomponent  - X-Ref

run-time component for the Data:Group tag

inccolcount()   X-Ref
No description

getcolcount()   X-Ref
No description

setheaderfunct($funct)   X-Ref
No description

hasheader()   X-Ref
No description

renderheader(&$TabDataSource, &$TplDataSource)   X-Ref
render the header for this column group

access: protected
param: DataSource the table data space
param: DataSource the template data space
return: void

Generated: Sun Nov 28 19:36:09 2004 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.5