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/framework/template/compiler/ -> compilercomponent.inc.php (summary)

(no description)

Version: $Id: compilercomponent.inc.php,v 1.45 2004/11/15 21:51:45 jeffmoore Exp $
File Size: 656 lines (17 kb)
Included or required:0 times
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Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

compilercomponent:: (36 methods):

Class: compilercomponent  - X-Ref

Base class for compile time components. Compile time component methods are
called by the template parser SourceFileParser.<br />
Note this in the comments for this class, parent and child refer to the XML
heirarchy in the template, as opposed to the PHP class tree.

registerwrapper(&$wrapper)   X-Ref
Set a wrapping component for this component

access: protected
param: object
return: void

addchildattribute(&$child)   X-Ref
Sets the XML attributes for this component (as extracted from the

access: protected
param: object XML attributes
return: void

setattribute($attrib, $value)   X-Ref
Sets an attribute

access: public
param: string name of attribute
param: string value of attribute
return: void

getattribute($attrib)   X-Ref
Returns the value of an XML attribute (as extracted from template) or
NULL if attribute not found

access: public
param: string attribute name
return: mixed string attribute value or null

hasattribute($attrib)   X-Ref
Check to see whether a named attribute exists

access: public
param: string name of attribute
return: boolean

getboolattribute($attrib, $default = FALSE)   X-Ref
Return the value of a boolean attribute as a boolean.
(attribute unspecified) (default)

access: public
param: string attribute name
param: boolean value to return if attribute is not found
return: boolean

removeattribute($attrib)   X-Ref
Remove an attribute from the list

access: public
param: string name of attribute
return: void

getattributesasarray($suppress = array()   X-Ref
Returns an array containing the attributes of this component that
can be resolved at compile time.

access: protected
return: array representation of attributes

generateattributelist(&$code, $suppress = array()   X-Ref
No description

generatedynamicattributelist(&$code, $suppress = array()   X-Ref
No description

registerproperty($name, &$property)   X-Ref
register a property with this component.  Currently, this
component must be a database to support properties.  This may

access: public

getproperty($name)   X-Ref

access: public
return: CompilerProperty returns the named property or NULL if it doesn't exist

getclientid()   X-Ref
Get the value of the XML id attribute

access: protected
return: string value of id attribute

getserverid()   X-Ref
Returns the identifying server ID. It's value it determined in the
following order;
<li>The XML id attribute in the template if it exists</li>
<li>The value of $this->ServerId</li>
<li>An ID generated by the getNewServerId() function</li>

access: protected
return: string value identifying this component

addchild(&$child)   X-Ref
Adds a child component, by reference, to the array of children

access: protected
param: object instance of a compile time component
return: void

removechild($ServerId)   X-Ref
Removes a child component, given it's ServerID

access: protected
param: string server id
return: mixed if child is found, returns a reference to it or void

getlastchild()   X-Ref
Returns the last child added to a component

access: protected
return: mixed last child instance or false if no children

findchild($ServerId)   X-Ref
Returns a child component, given it's ServerID

access: protected
param: string server id
return: mixed if child is found, returns a reference of false

findchildbyclass($class)   X-Ref
Returns a child component, given it's compile time component class

access: protected
param: string PHP class name
return: mixed if child is found, returns a reference of false

findchildrenbyclass($class)   X-Ref
Returns an array of child components, given it's compile time component class

access: protected
param: string PHP class name
return: array

findimmediatechildbyclass($class)   X-Ref
Returns a child component, given it's compile time component class

access: protected
param: string PHP class name
return: mixed if child is found, returns a reference of false

findparentbyclass($class)   X-Ref
Returns a parent component, recursively searching parents by their
compile time component class name

access: protected
param: string PHP class name
return: mixed if parent is found, returns a reference of void

prepare()   X-Ref
No description

checknestinglevel()   X-Ref
Used to perform some error checking on the source template, such as
examining the tag hierarchy and triggering an error if a tag is
incorrectly nested. Concrete implementation is in subclasses

access: protected
return: void

preparse()   X-Ref
Provides instruction to the template parser, while parsing is in
progress, telling it how it should handle the tag. Subclasses of
CompilerComponent will return different instructions.<br />
Available instructions are;
<li>PARSER_REQUIRE_PARSING - default in this class. Tag must be parsed</li>
<li>PARSER_FORBID_PARSING - Tag may not be parsed</li>
<li>PARSER_ALLOW_PARSING - Tag may can be parsed</li>
In practice, the parser currently only pays attention to the
PARSER_FORBID_PARSING instruction.<br />
Also used to perform error checking on template related to the syntax of
the concrete tag implementing this method.

access: protected

isdatasource()   X-Ref

return: Boolean Indicating whether or not this component is a DataSource

getdatasource()   X-Ref
If a parent compile time component exists, returns the value of the
parent's getDataSource() method, which will be a concrete implementation

access: protected
return: mixed object compile time component if parent exists or void

getparentdatasource()   X-Ref
Gets the parent in the DataSource, if one exists

access: protected
return: mixed object compile time data component if exists or void

getrootdatasource()   X-Ref
Gets a root DataSource

access: protected
return: mixed object compile time data component if exists or void

getdatasourcerefcode()   X-Ref
Gets the DataSource reference code of the parent

access: protected
return: string

getcomponentrefcode()   X-Ref
Gets the component reference code of the parent. This is a PHP string
which is used in the compiled template to reference the component in
the hierarchy at runtime

access: protected
return: string

generateconstructor(&$code)   X-Ref
Calls the generateConstructor() method of each child component

access: protected
param: CodeWriter
return: void

generatecontents(&$code)   X-Ref
Calls the generate() method of each child component

access: protected
param: CodeWriter
return: void

pregenerate(&$code)   X-Ref
Pre generation method, calls the WrappingComponents
generateWrapperPrefix() method if the component exists

access: protected
param: CodeWriter
return: void

postgenerate(&$code)   X-Ref
Post generation method, calls the WrappingComponents
generateWrapperPostfix() method if the component exists

access: protected
param: CodeWriter
return: void

generate(&$code)   X-Ref
Calls the local preGenerate(), generateContents() and postGenerate()

access: protected
param: CodeWriter
return: void

Generated: Sun Nov 28 19:36:09 2004 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.5